Follow our training, adventures, and Boo's progress
to becoming a 'Balanced Dog.'
9 April 2013
'Alpha - Beta.'

The Alpha has an air of royalty. They are the wise watchers at the back of the pack, calmly and collectively sussing out the situation and directing others as required.

They have a high head carriage when showing their authority, higher tail carriage in communication and greeting, and in wolves, due to their diet, are darker in colour. Their ranking is also marked by the food they eat, and consequently the scent they emanate signifies their position as leaders of the pack.

The Beta—the disciplinarian of the pack—is second in rank to the Alpha. This body guard character is normally bigger and stockier than the Alpha and takes the front line when necessary to step in and look out for the survival of the pack.

The Beta is quick to note any change in a situation, stands tall and confident, and ready to alert the Alpha and waits for any silent communication from the Alpha regarding any necessary course of action. The Beta is the leader of the pack's 'backup.'

The Beta, like the Alpha, often has darker markings due to the 'ranking-meat' it eats. Beta dogs like to be up front in a walk; they are straight in to see who it is coming through the door; the Beta dog runs into the melee.

The Beta dog may also have a high tail and head carriage, especially when they meet dogs of a lower rank.

Emily and Boo


'Alpha - Beta.'

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