Follow our training, adventures, and Boo's progress
to becoming a 'Balanced Dog.'
28 February 2013

...Animals do well at living in the present moment. The fact that dogs don't hold grudges, don't force their opinions on us, and show us unconditional affection when we walk through the door are just some of the reasons we find peace around our pets; they are also qualities of a mindful and present state of being.

Working with horses never fails to bring me back to the present moment; in the presence of these strong and in some instances dangerous animals, for my own and their safety, I can't afford to slip out of the present moment.

From an early age Boo has helped me stay in the 'now' by reminding me of her need for me to be mindful.

So often humans stress over and panick about the future, or feel guilty about and dwell on the past. I for one all too easily get lost in schedules and deadlines, the consideration of keeping everyone happy, and trying to fit everything in. Boo is often the one to bring me back to 'now'—normally by making my life harder should I choose the less favoured route of being preoccupied and distracted by my consideration of many tasks, lists, and concerns: compared with the favoured route of being present and focused on the task in hand and subsequently a competent leader.

Boo knows in which state of mind I'm most efficient, and consequently of benefit to our pack, and endeavours to bring me back in to the 'zone' of being mindful and present.

Emily and Boo


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