Follow our training, adventures, and Boo's progress
to becoming a 'Balanced Dog.'
31 May 2013
'Who's Moving Who?'

...Play the game of who's moving who? Some are obvious: some might get you thinking!

Lets start with an easy one:

A dog that pulls on the lead......who's moving who?

But what about:

A dog that's so slow the owner walks at a snail's pace?

A dog that ignores you when you recall?

A dog that paws for more attention when you stop fussing over him or her? When a dog barks and you give in? When a dog growls and you move away?

When you play a dog's 'catch-me-if-you-can' game after they've run off with something they shouldn't have? Or across the fields chasing something they shouldn't be chasing?

When a dog barks at the postman and you respond by shouting?

When a dog decides to turn for home? When a dog decides he or she isn't ready to go home?

Or when a dog off-lead strides out ahead of you?

In the last, and many of the other scenarios, the dog is deciding the best route for his or her pack.

That's not to say a dog can't ever go ahead of you, but being aware of the dogs psychology in all these situations and 'structuring' your walk to compensate provides the balance relating to 'who's moving who?'

...coming soon: How to create a 'structured walk.'

Emily and Boo


'Who's Moving Who?'

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